Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by severe shortness of breath and a rapid heart rate, often accompanied by cough, fever, chest pain and bluish lips or fingernails caused by low O2 levels.
ARDS can be triggered by direct injuries to the lung such as pneumonia, aspiration, smoke inhalation or blunt...
Capno 101: What is Airway Management?
Airway management is a critical EMS skill. Simply put, a patient without an airway will not survive – but placement of an advanced airway device in critically ill and injured patients is a high-risk procedure, and a misplaced airway can cause permanent disability or death.
The capnography...
EMS1 SponsoredUnderstand how waveform capnography can be used to assess and treat ventilation, perfusion and metabolic emergencies in children
By Bob Sullivan
Assessing and caring for pediatric patients can be a challenge for EMS providers. Small children cannot verbalize what is bothering them, and the assessment depends...
We asked for suggestions of how to best use capnography beyond its initial purpose, and EMS1 readers responded with some great advice.Take a look at our favorite comments, and please, add your own!
EMS1 sits down with Mike McEvoy, EMS coordinator for the Saratoga County (N.Y.) EMS, to discuss his hometown agency's in-field utilization of capnography to better treat their patients
By Greg Bogosian
EMS1 staff
The following is paid content sponsored by Covidien
For years, capnography has been used in the hospital setting to...